I recently read a feature in Cambridge-based
"Style" Magazine about a local clay shooting club for cake-loving women. It's a national brand called
"Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club" and run by an enthusiastic lady called
Victoria Knowles-Lacks and her team of gun toting women across the country at various clubs spread nationwide.

The whole idea behind the club is to welcome everyone,
especially absolute beginners, with a mission to get more girls involved in shooting whilst being about reputable instructors, low recoil guns, fine china and
having your cake and eating it too! Being a farm girl who never quite left my own back garden, learning to shoot the odd pheasant or too, but then not having the interest at a young age to get into it with my dad, my interest has now crept back, but this could be the
mention of tea and cake, I'm not sure!

And now I have some
exciting news to share with my readers, I am getting involved and eased into this club slowly, by offering an
afternoon tea etiquette workshop for their members (and wannabe members)... I will be teaching the tea and cake lovers of this event how to set their table correctly, how to pour and stir their tea properly and
hopefully entertain them with my tips and tricks for being the perfect guest or host at afternoon tea.

The team are currently planning the first
S&CBC Ladies Shooting Conference on the 3rd August at Harper Adams University in Shropshire. The plans have been made, the agenda has been set, the cake competition (yes, their very own
"bake off" style competition will be hosted at this event, exciting!) categories have been decided and they have now announced their fabulous list of guest speakers!
-Registration and trade stands- Welcome and overview of the S&CBC from Victoria An informative talk from BASC, their work and what they can do for you The work of the CPSA, how to get involved and more
-Coffee & Biscuit break- Phil Coley on Clay Shooting Success Cheryl Hall on her story and your questions Peter Glenser & Bill Harriman on 'how to lose your licence' Rachel Carrie on being a Huntress!
-Lunch, trade stands from gorgeous companies such as Ali Valentine, Maude & Fox and lots more! Cake judging- After lunch there will be the choice of these wonderful workshops (choose 2): 1.The benefits of game shooting and why you should have a go
1.Practical gun care from a gunsmith (including misfires, gun cleaning, keeping cartridges separate etc) 2.Cartridge Master Class, which, what and why
2.The route to competitive clay shooting with Caroline Povey
-Coffee & Cake Break- 3.Game Shooting etiquette, do's & don'ts
3.Phil Coley Clay Shooting Success workshop
4.Workshop on Tea Party Etiquette from 'Miss Sue Flay'
4.Pigeon shooting/rough shooting seminar The lecture will finish off with closing thoughts, panel Q&A, The S&CBC mini awards and the all important cake competition! The day will be such good fun and I've been told that there a few seats left for anybody interested in coming along to this event. As my reader, you are entitled to gain a ticket for
just £35 (usually £45, which includes, coffee, cake and a scrummy locally sourced lunch) should you fancy getting into a new hobby & sport.

To book your tickets, please contact
info@ladies-shooting.com or call Victoria on 07742793977 And hopefully I meet one or two of you there - I will be the "lady"
pretending to be there for my workshop, but
really trying out a gun or two for size!
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