Monday 25 February 2013

The Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook - Pineapple Upside-Down Cake - Page 20

The new Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook is a must own book written by 
my lovely friend and creator of the CCC, Lynn Hill 
and what a book it is too!

It's a book literally all about cake
Not cupcakes. Not brownies. Not doughnuts. 
Not tarts. Not pies. 

Just the good old fashioned (and more modern variations!) of the trusty cake.

The book is a combination of Lynn's tried and tested cakey creations as well as filled with CCC members' cake recipes throughout, which is fantastic as it allows the (national & international!) members to share their experiences and their trials & tribulations too.

You may even see a cake you recognise on page 210... Ahem.... 
Tuck Shop cake anyone?
In fact, it's so weird to see my first recipe in print and have people tagging me in Facebook and Twitter posts with their variations of my recipe, but I love it!

So to my first ever cake baked from this gorgeous book (other then my own 
recipe of course ; ) from over 120 cake recipes in this stunning book, it's actually really hard to choose what to go for, but I finally settled on one that ticked all my cake craving boxes...

Lynn's Pineapple Upside Down Cake. And wow, what a cake!
Check out Page 20 for this beautifully nostalgic cake.

I've been craving a plainer cake, IE no buttercream for a change. I'd been teaching a student in his own home to make a honeycomb buttercream layer cake concoction during the afternoon and the smell from the oven was making me even more hungry for own sweet treat at off I hopped back to my kitchen once the success of my lesson had satisfied the teacher in me and out came my cookbook.

I had everything I needed to make this one, with the added bonus of it being a type of cake I've never made before. I had great fun playing with this one, adding a few more glacé cherries than it said to, as these are a fave baking ingredient of mine ; ) 

It was delicious, best served warm from the oven, it's perfectly moist and the fresh vanilla pod is worth the small expense, it's such a fresh and simple cake, but the best I've tried in a long time. I served with a small dollop of cream, but this would be perfect with custard or ice cream too. The fussy mister was in cake heaven too. Hurrah. 

This is a cookbook that EVERY cake lover and maker should own for their bookshelves and the more cake batter that splashes it, the better - It means its loved...
So long as you can see it the next time you use it of course!

With more than 150 Clandestine Cake Clubs now running nationwide, with clubs opening even as far as Canada, the Cayman Islands, France, Italy & Spain, this is a free club, where members can bake a cake, bring it along and enjoy tucking into all the others at each meet we plan whilst geeking out over all things cake-based and nerdy - It's fantastic fun!

Why not check out the CCC website to find your local club and if you are based in Cambridge, do come to join us for our latest Cake Club meet, which is co-hosted by myself and the lovely Deepa of Lazy Giraffe Jewellery. 

Now. What cake to bake next?.... Have you started baking from this book? 
Do leave a comment below with your recommendations! 
Miss Sue Flay 

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